Broccoli mash
Broccoli is a real super veggie! It actually contains more vitamin C than an orange. Broccoli is also rich in folate and iron which is important for the development.
You need:
1 broccoli
2 tablespoons butter or cold-pressed oil
How to do it:
Wash and slice the broccoli into small pieces. Boil or steam the pieces until soft. Steam cooking will retain more of the nutrients. Add the broccoli pieces to a bowl and mix with a food processer or stick blender until you have a smooth mash. Add the in butter or cold pressed oil and serve. What is not eaten, you can freeze in left-overs for another time.
Did you know?
That the broccoli stalk can also be eaten. Peel it first and then boil it with the rest of the head or serve it raw as a snack with a little dip.